
In Hopes Of A Mediterranean Cruise

This is Buck, and it's my first post on here, so if the layout seems odd or things don't line up, or.....bear with me. A great friend of mine (let me put emphasis on the GREAT.....one of 2 people in this world with whom I'd trust my life) led me to a website his father created called http://www.embnutrition.com/. I'd encourage anybody who is into fitness or looking to get into it, to check it out. It offers a plethora of valuable information. As part of a promotional package, and to encourage good physical fitness, periodically they run 12 week contests for 6 different categories based on age and gender. It is similar to The Biggest Loser, but is based on % body fat lost. You then have 12 weeks to lose as much body fat as possible. They require a "before" picture and body fat test, as well as an "after" picture and test. The winner of each category wins a week-long cruise for 2 to the Mediterranean. Long story short, my wife encouraged me to embark on this adventure (surely it wasn't in hopes of winning a cruise for 2) and see how well I could compete. My beginning body fat test was 10.2% and I weighed in at 210lbs. 12 weeks later I finished at 2.92% and 198 lbs. All said and done, I had lost 71.4% of my original body fat. It was an amazing ride and I hope to get a phone call in the near future that will send me to Europe. I am posting a before picture for nothing more than an embarassing reference, as well as a few of my after pictures. WARNING!!!!!!!!!!! I'm in a speedo, so if you don't wanna see, close your eyes.


georgeandmarie said...

Yeah!! So proud of you! You have some serious discipline!! And look SO GREAT!! Love you!!

[RochelleG] said...

yeah lady! that's YOUR husband! So amazing. Miss you guys terribly!