
These are the Days

Most people who know me understand that I am not a home body. I have to be on the go doing something from morning until night. So, when my kids are with me - they get to come along and I am always trying to find fun things for my kids to do...but these are their favorites right now.

Earning a quarter by being good, so they can take it to the mall and get some candy. If you notice, they are getting the same thing. Because although they have their moments, for the most part my kids are two peas in a pod. They play together everywhere they go and their relationship works mainly because Mikey does what Aisy says.

"I want to ride Marty" is another favorite. The carousel ride at the mall happens about once a week and aislynn always gets to ride Marty the Zebra and Mikey is just happy to ride alongside her. What a great brother.

Here they are standing on top of their fort in the basement. When we do stay inside it is always an adventure and I thouroughly enjoy playing make believe with my kids. To the point that Buck has to tell me to not be so realistic and talk about scary dragons and witches because my kids may have nightmares, what can I say, I have a flare for the dramatic.

Here we are at the playgound at the zoo. What one does, the other must as well. This only becomes problematic when there is only one of something and they haven't quite grasped the concept of taking turns. We are working on that, along with asking nicely for something back when the other steals it!

Here are Aislynn's pretty princess slippers. I had to include this because Grandma Becky gave these to her for her birthday and these are the only shoes she MUST keep on. Everytime we get into the carseat, she takes her shoes and her socks off immediately. She got the fat hobbit foot gene from me and so is inhibited by uncomfortable shoes. However, she thinks these are so pretty it is a task to get her to take them off. Good find Grandma!

As I got these costumes over a month before Halloween, they are getting their use. We try to use them at least once a week during imaginative play time and sometimes they like to sleep in them as well. It makes me feel better that they get so much use since I probably spent way too much money on them.

That concludes our fun adventures for now. But I have more to come shortly! I am just in the middle of a couple mid-term tests, so that is eating up LOTS of time.

1 comment:

Turley Family said...

looks like you guys have a alot of fun on the go. Madelynn loves to be on the go, I'm more of the home body! GOOD LUCK with the mid trems!